FUCK ... part 2, HISTORY
So last time we talked about the WORD, now lets look at the HISTORY of the most versatile word in the English language!
There are many many different theories about where FUCK comes from... Some people say it has a GERMAN origin. Others claim a LATIN/ROMANCE-LANGUAGE base (ie. French, Italian, etc)...
Some scholars say that fuck first arrived in the English language in the year 1475, while others cite examples of the word FUCKER from the 1200s!!
The word has probable cognates in Germanic languages, such as German ficken (to fuck); Dutch fokken (to breed, to strike, to beget); dialectal Norwegian fukka (to copulate), and dialectal Swedish focka (to strike, to copulate) and fock (penis).
From Latin?...
There is also possibly a kinship with the Latin futuere (futuo), a verb with almost exactly the same meaning as the English verb "to fuck". From fūtuere came French foutre, Catalan fotre, Italian fottere, Romanian futere, vulgar peninsular Spanish follar and joder, Portuguese foder... etc.
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