How to (use) FUCK
(the most AWESOME word in the English language)
Yes, it's a "bad" word, but it's actually a GREAT word! "Fuck" is quite possibly the most useful word in English. It can be used in so many ways, and it has so many meanings! Let's explore the many sides of "FUCK."
So let's start at the beginning... There are at least 13 different ways to use it!!Definitions: Fuck can be a...
verb (used with object) have sexual intercourse with. [ex. He fucked his boyfriend]
2.Slang. to treat unfairly or harshly. [ex. Walmart really fucked me]
verb (used without object) have sexual intercourse. [ex. They fucked all night]
4.Slang. to meddle (usually followed by around or with). [ex. Don't fuck with me]
5.Slang. (used to express anger, disgust, peremptory rejection, etc., often followed by a pronoun, as you or it.) [ex. Fuck! Damnit! I lost... fucking hell!]
noun act of sexual intercourse. [ex. That was a long fuck]
7.a partner in sexual intercourse. [ex. He's a good fuck/fucker]
8.Slang. a person, especially one who is annoying or contemptible. [ex. He's such a fuck/fucker]
9.the fuck, Slang. (used as an intensifier, especially with WH-questions, to express annoyance, impatience, etc.) [ex. What the fuck was that!?]
Verb phrases
10.fuck around, behave in a frivolous or meddlesome engage in promiscuous sex. [ex. He fucked around and did nothing all day.]
11.fuck off, shirk one's duty; malinger.b.go away: used as an exclamation of waste time. [ex. Fuck off, leave me alone!]
12.fuck up, bungle or botch; act stupidly or carelessly; cause trouble; mess up. [ex. Woah, he really fucked up his life...]
13.give a fuck, Slang. to care; be concerned (usually used in the negative). [ex. When it comes to politics, I really don't give a fuck.]

Noun: I don’t give a fuck.
Adjective: Michael is organizing the fucking event.
Verb: Don’t fuck it up.
Transitive verb: Paul fucked Jennifer.
Intransitive verb: Sally fucks.
Part of an adverb: Tamara organizes too fucking much.
Adverb enhancing an adjective: Jeremy is fucking amazing.
Part of a word: Fanfuckingtastic! Absofuckinglutely infuckingcredible!
It can even be used as almost every word in a sentence, (although that's not advised).
i.e. Fuck it, fucking fuckups, fuck the fucking fuckers.
Aggression: Don’t fuck with me.
Amazement: Infuckingcredible!
Assurance: Absofuckinglutely.
Difficulty: I'm having a fuck of a time with this.
Disagreement: Fuck you!
Dismay: Oh fuck.
Dismissal: Fuck off.
Fraud: I got fucked on that deal.
Incompetence: What a fuckup.
Inquiry: What the fuck?
Pleasure: Fanfuckingtastic!
Resignation: Fuck it
Satisfaction: Fucking "A"!
Trouble: Now I'm fucked.
When you realize the versatility of this fantastic word, say it with pride. It will immediately reveal the quality of your character and the flexibility of your language skills!!!!!!
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